
  • In January, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend unlimited $$ in our elections.
    In July, Target gave $150,000 to the anti-gay, anti-worker candidate for Gov. of MN.
    Last week, a quarter million people pledged to boycott Target —-Learn more—Take Action—Sign the Petition—-

    Yesterday . . .

    “Paid for by Political Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. Political Action and Civic Action are separate organizations”

    Habitat For Humanity is an organization that provides affordable houses to those in need all of the world. With nearly 2 billion people around the world living in slum housing and over 100 million that are homeless, Habitat For Humanity is an organization that offers a life-changing helping hand. I am proud to have worked with them.

    Having a father in the construction industry, I grew up on job sites like the one we were working on in the photos. What a treat is was to be able to get my hands dirty and go back to something that reminds me of where I came from. I certainly don’t get that from the red carpet! ….. which is something I did just 2 hours after leaving the construction site! ( Notice the white paint one my nails in the photos taken on that carpet right after? ) What a great day!

    The pictures below are from our building site on Aug. 12th, 2010. Yo Gabba Gabba visited us to celebrate their partnership with Habitat For Humanity.
    - Amber Heard

    “These photos were taken by photographer Tasya van Ree while visiting a group home and school for kids in a rural part of northern Argentina, where we spent months filming And Soon The Darkness. The kids here were very poor and had traveled a far way from their families to call this very humble place, home.

    Everyday before dawn, as we were pulling up to set, we would see the kids at their open windows waiting to smile and wave at us as we passed by. The same thing happened 15 hours later, each day as we were leaving set after wrap. I had the unique opportunity to get to know these kids and be a part of their young lives for those few months.

    Every time we had the opportunity to make the 3 hour trip to the nearest town to go shopping, we would pack our vans full of as many toys and games as they could carry, and make the long trip back as excited as the kids were.

    These pictures were taken after one such trip…”
    - Amber Heard

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