Northern Argentina
These photos were taken by photographer Tasya van Ree while visiting a group home and school for kids in a rural part of northern Argentina, where we spent months filming And Soon The Darkness. The kids here were very poor and had traveled a far way from their families to call this very humble place, home.
Everyday before dawn, as we were pulling up to set, we would see the kids at their open windows waiting to smile and wave at us as we passed by. The same thing happened 15 hours later, each day as we were leaving set after wrap. I had the unique opportunity to get to know these kids and be a part of their young lives for those few months.
Every time we had the opportunity to make the 3 hour trip to the nearest town to go shopping, we would pack our vans full of as many toys and games as they could carry, and make the long trip back as excited as the kids were.
The pictures below were taken after one such trip…